Wednesday, December 5, 2012

premieres and parties

if you know me, there are very, VERY few reasons why i would get up earlier than necessary in the morning.

Aggie Football is one of those reasons.

Since we're having an incredible football season, our football coach, university president, and head of the association of former students were all in town. special thanks to the a&m club for hosting a meet & greet breakfast at the waldorf. we all trodded our way in the rain to the waldorf! i wouldn't be surprised if I looked like a wet dog walking in the door-- worth it! 

side note: dr. loftin posted a picture of lauren & i that we sent to him a while back in new york on his facebook page-- he remembered us and sought us out! it was so good to have a little piece of home in NYC. 

besides that, it's been a beautiful few days in the city! yesterday it even got up to 60 degrees- praise the Lamb! I think it was God's way of giving us a chance to catch our breath before the winter hits.

yesterday i walked outside my office to get some sunshine, and right outside the stock exchange was this (not so little) gem!  there were men handing out cups of hot chocolate and they even had live music. thank you for that, NYSE!

my friend lauren scored tickets to the billy on the street premiere at the theatre where the tonys were hosted. the surprise guest of the night was andy cohen-- host of watch what happens, and brooke shields happened to be sitting in the audience! the hipster to normal person ratio was dangerously high. 

someone live tweeted "brooke shields is buying everyone heineken after the show!" and she stood up and fist pumped. I like her already! 

students from the school I work at sung at trinity church today-- beautiful church & voices!

until later,


Monday, December 3, 2012

60 degrees in december

today was a lousy day to be sick in the city-- why? because it was 60 degrees outside & beautiful for this time of year!

however, i did find a wonderful urgent care place that hooked me up! they have flatscreen TVs in each of the waiting rooms and hand you the remote. thanks for the suggestion, yelp!

 perk: my favorite coffee shop is on the way. my recommendation? their almond tea. best. tea. ever.

thank you, birch coffee, for the deep thoughts.

if you ever need to get some work done, too, they have a library!

picture via yelp

tonight-- time to kick back and watch one of my favorite christmas movies.

happy monday!


Saturday, December 1, 2012

Life in the City!

Hello, friends!

 I recently went back to Texas, where I would tell people stories, and they would respond with: "elise! why don't you tell me these things?"

often, I forget about certain things. therefore, i'm going to start writing some stories about new york stories: the big things, the little things. the elevator conversations with billy ray cyrus, when you see SNL cast members grocery shopping, when someone sings otis redding on the subway, or when homeless men ask for a hug instead of money [if they find you attractive].

today, I'm thankful for the little things in new york: my favorite doorman charles, the halal guy that calls me his wife (and makes amazing chicken), my favorite cup of hazelnut coffee, and late-night talks about theology with my roommate.

last night we set up the Christmas tree at work. it makes NYC feel a little more like home during the holidays! :) 

today, i'm home sick from work (we had a visit weekend this weekend). my boss sent me home and told me to stay home and watch college football all day. now that's a great boss! 

happy saturday!


Friday, August 3, 2012

the valley of vision

O Thou that hearest prayer,
Teach me to pray,
I confess that in religious exercises
the language of my lips and the feelings of my heart
have not always agreed,
that I have frequently taken carelessly upon my tongue
a name never pronounced above
without reverence and humility,
that I have often desired things which would have injured me,
that I have depreciated some of my chief mercies,
that I have erred both on the side of my hopes
and also my fears,
that I am unfit to choose for myself,
for it is not in me to direct my steps.
Let thy Spirit help my infirmities,
for I know not what to pray for as I ought.
Let him produce in me wise desires by which I may ask right things,
then I shall know thou hearest me.
May I never be importunate for temporal blessings,
but always refer them to thy fatherly goodness,
for thou knowest what I need before I ask;
May I never think I prosper unless my soul prospers,
or I am rich unless rich toward thee,
or that I am wise unless wise unto salvation.
May I seek first thy kingdom and its righteousness.
May I value things in relation to eternity.
May my spiritual welfare be my chief solicitude.
May I be poor, afflicted, despised and have thy blessing,
rather than be successful in enterprise
or have more than my heart can wish.
or be admired by my fellow-men,
if thereby these things make me forget thee.
May I regard the world as dreams, lies, vanities, vexation of spirit,
and desire to depart from it.
And may I seek my happiness in thy favour, image, presence, service.
~DesiresThe Valley of Vision, p. 106

Sunday, June 10, 2012

it's wedding season, folks! + walk the moon

After throwing a wedding shower for my best friend from college, kelsey, I decided to add some of the graphics that I made for it, along with a couple of other favorite quotes. If you need any high-res, let me know!

I also had the opportunity to see walk the moon + morning parade this weekend. concert review to come soon!

walk the moon- anna sun

morning parade- headlights

me, the bride, and rachel! 

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

currently on replay: Michael Kiwanuka

Michael Kiwanuka : I'm Getting Ready 


Love the Van Morrison feel to it. Love his whole album. 



Wednesday, May 30, 2012

events & adventures!

i'll start off by saying that i have been the worst blogger ever lately- sorry for that :) i promise to be better now that I'm back!

Recently took a trip to London & Paris, where I had some of THE best meals of my life- who is surprised? :)

After some great meals, seeing old friends & meeting new ones, and a trip to the French ER, it definitely was memorable! I will post some more details in a bit, and a few recommendations!

Macarons in Paris

 Luxembourg Gardens, Paris. Probably my favorite day, ever. 

Happy Wednesday! 


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

make it count.

2 guys traveling around the world until they run out of money.

what does making it count mean to you?

Monday, April 9, 2012

the best song title i've heard all week.

If We Can Land a Man on the Moon Surely I Can Win Your Heart- by Beluah.

Sunday, April 8, 2012


The Friday Fifteen- March 30 and April 6

Okay, okay, so I'm a little behind on blogging. I've been pretty busy running around the past few weekends!


Also, I'm going to see Jonquil tomorrow with my friend Holly. We sent a few questions over to their PR manager- I'll post the interview in a few days!

Happy Easter!

Friday, March 23, 2012

The Friday Fifteen.

This is my new segment I'd like to call the Friday Fifteen. Each week I'm going to pick 15 songs that I currently have on replay.

Obviously since I was at SXSW all weekend last weekend, that's made this list a little biased.

If you don't have Spotify yet, you need to download it!


Wednesday, February 15, 2012

A couple more designs.

I wanted to make a couple of more graphics for my iPhone background, so I whipped a couple of these up! If you're wanting a high-res one for print/wallpaper, let me know!


Wednesday, February 8, 2012


I have been doing some more design lately, and decided to post some recents.


Monday, January 30, 2012

I'm Back!

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I know that I have fallen off the face of the blogging world. I am not that great at keeping up with these things because I would rather my friends hear my stories from me, but this will do for now.

I decided to have a place where I can share fashion ideas, things the Lord is showing me, and music you should be listening to if you haven't already. I'm not crafty & I can't cook, but I sure am fun and loving traveling to new places & experiencing new things.

that is all. to be continued!

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